
English to babies

It is never too early to introduce English to your baby. Babies love sounds, rhymes, and stories. Learning a language comes naturally to them. Most experts agree that babyhood is the best time to learn a second language. From birth to about age two or three, your baby's brain acts like a sponge. This is also the best time for a parent to teach a language. Parents and other adults naturally speak more slowly and clearly to babies than older children. They also tend to repeat words and phrases often. Repetition is very important for language learning.

Babies learn languages in many ways. Most importantly, they learn through listening. The more words they hear, the more words they learn. They also learn from watching and imitating. While you play together, your baby will learn to associate words with objects. English Club will help you introduce your baby to English through songs, rhymes, and playtime.

Make English part of your daily routine. Sing, read, and play with your baby in English whenever you think of it. Recite a rhyme on the diaper table, sing a song in the bath, and read a bedtime story. Think of teaching English as part of your playtime not as a lesson. Babies tell us when they are tired, bored or hungry. Watch for cues. When your baby rubs her eyes, cries, or crawls away, she is probably ready for a new activity. It is important not to overstimulate a baby.

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